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New paper out on the effects of the Mindful Recovery Opioid Use Disorder Care Continuum vs active control among adults receiving buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.

Read the full paper here here and see key points from the paper below!

Key Points

  • Question: During buprenorphine treatment, does group-based mindfulness training reduce opioid use, craving, and anxiety compared with group recovery support?

    Findings: In this randomized clinical trial including 196 adults prescribed buprenorphine for opioid use disorder, mindfulness was not superior at reducing illicit opioid use compared with an active group intervention with an evidence-based curriculum. Both arms experienced significantly reduced anxiety, and the reduction in opioid craving during mindfulness groups was greater than during recovery support groups, a significant difference.

    Meaning: The findings of this study suggest that mindfulness groups may have utility during opioid use disorder treatment, especially for patients with residual opioid craving while prescribed buprenorphine.

Benjamin Cook