Dharma Cortés, PhD appointed to serve on new Blue Cross Blue Shield expert panel to address health inequities and racial justice Benjamin CookFebruary 8, 2021
Our Article Was Selected as Editor's Choice for Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Benjamin CookJanuary 25, 2021
How do Medicaid Value-Based Payment models impact Adults with Serious Mental Illness? Benjamin CookJune 11, 2020announcement, grants
Dr. Cook speaks at South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference on “Data Driven Strategies for Advancing Health Equity” March 2020 (canceled) Benjamin CookMarch 4, 2020announcement, presentations
Drs. Cook and Creedon co-facilitate workshop on “Methods for Understanding Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Substance Use Disorder and Related Treatment Services” at Brandeis-Harvard NIDA Center Benjamin CookMarch 4, 2020presentations, announcement
Charley Wilson, PhD co-authors report "Double-edged sword of federalism: variation in essential health benefits for mental health and substance use disorder coverage in states" federalism, health care reformsBenjamin CookJanuary 17, 2020
Researchers Compare Health Care Expenditures for Medicaid-Insured Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asthma in an Expanding Accountable Care Organization Benjamin CookDecember 18, 2019autism spectrum disorder, accountable care organization, value-based are, health care expenditures, health service utilization, publications
Employment Opportunity: Full-time Data Analyst Benjamin CookDecember 2, 2019news, employment opportunity
HERLab authors editorial highlighting the need for cross-cutting research and policies to improve the mental health of Roma in Europe. Benjamin CookJuly 3, 2019announcement, publications